Seductive, ambitious, captivating… Over the centuries, the femme fatale has been attributed many qualities but also many stereotypes. Oftentimes used as a synonym for the perfect woman but also for the black widow, the femme fatale is especially put forward for her advantageous physique. Although her physiognomy plays a part in the selection criteria, her physique remains a tool that the femme fatale knows how to use. Her biggest hush-hush, however, is her mental attitude!

The femme fatale is independent: she remains her number ane priority

To be a femme fatale is above all to be contained and to recollect of oneself. Often mistaken for selfishness, this personality trait offers her a wide range of possibilities. Whether in her career or in what she undertakes, she knows what is good for her. The femme fatale is often financially independent and doesn't need anyone to carry out her plans.

There are many negative connotations associated with this independence. Carrierist or bad female parent, the independence of the femme fatale is oft pointed at. The graphic symbol of Emily played by Blake Levy in the film L'ombre d'Emily is the perfect representation of this myth. This stereotype, which oft tends to stick to the skin of independent women, was particularly maintained in the movie theatre of the 50s and 60s where the independent woman was demonized. She is embodied by women set up to practise anything for their personal interests.

Yet being contained does non mean beingness selfish or even less being a bad mother and careerist. Angelina Jolie is living proof of this. Actress, mother, producer and Un goodwill ambassador, she is the perfect representation of the independent femme fatale.

The femme fatale is strong and smart

An attractive woman is a woman who is non afraid of annihilation, who is courageous and who knows how to employ her intellectual qualities. Stigmatized as cold and manipulative, the femme fatale is still a adult female full of challenges. She uses her emotional intelligence to better understand her surroundings and thus protect herself.

Amazon women are the perfect instance of femme fatale and warrior women who are not afraid of anything. They are often endowed with superior intelligence since they are groovy strategists. From Ancient Greece to the 20th century, they are described every bit dangerous warriors threatening the male protagonist. In 1941, however, the DC Comics character Wonder Adult female, an Amazon princess, will demonstrate that a strong woman does non necessarily serve evil. This character of femme fatale and warrior is particularly exploited in the world of amusement. In the field of video games, nosotros will find strong and intelligent women in many titles such equally Tomb Raider with Lara Croft or Aloy in Zero Dawn Horizon. They tin also exist found in the online slot machine sector, which uses the image of these femme fatales, notably in the game Amazon Queen. The blueprint inspired by the world of the Amazons shows women whose presence commands respect and exudes strength of character.

The femme fatale knows what she's worth and won't permit herself be belittled.

The greatest quality of the femme fatale is that she is endowed with great self-confidence. She knows what she'due south worth and she won't permit anyone make her believe otherwise. Every adult female has a potential for seduction. What makes the femme fatale strong is that she knows how to exploit it. Being aware of it and knowing how to utilize it has the consequence that she releases a charisma and an aura that will concenter attention.

To please others is first and foremost to please yourself. And the femme fatale understood that very well. From the outside, these women are perceived equally self-confident and know which styles highlight them. Cleopatra is the perfect representation of this pattern. It is not but her looks that have marked history, but her insubordination and strength of character. She is, for some, perceived as a great manipulator and seducer who has managed to brand Julius Caesar and Marking Antony lose their heads. Notwithstanding, she is above all a woman of genius who volition never allow herself to be intimidated and belittled, fifty-fifty by the greatest Roman generals. Coco Chanel is likewise an case of charisma. This femme fatale revolutionized women's fashion and was not afraid to show off with her own creations in her early days. Her charisma and cocky-conviction shortly attracted the attending of actresses and other socialites.

The femme fatale can only exist summed upwardly past her physique (proof that Cleopatra would non be endowed with scenic dazzler). Being a femme fatale means higher up all having self-confidence, believing in ane's strength and ideas and not being afraid of succeeding on ane's own.

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