
Is It Good To Burn Hommadecoloredink To Make White Ink Ink Tattoo

  • Journal List
  • Sports Wellness
  • 5.3(v); 2011 Sep
  • PMC3445217

Sports Health. 2011 Sep; 3(5): 431–434.

Tattoo-Induced Skin "Burn" During Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Professional Football Histrion

A Example Report


The authors present the case of a professional person football player with an immediate and sustained cutaneous reaction ("burn") at the site of lower extremity tattoos that occurred during magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvis. The fire was attributed to an electromagnetic reaction due to the ferromagnetic metal compounds found in tattoo pigments, especially atomic number 26 oxide—a reaction that has the potential to distort the field of image. These compounds can theoretically create an electric current that increases the local peel temperature, enough to cause a cutaneous burn down. "At risk" tattoos are those with blackness pigment or whatever other pigments containing atomic number 26 oxide, as well as those with a pattern that displays loops, large circular objects, or multiple adjacent points. Patients who develop this reaction may exist treated prophylactically or symptomatically with a cold compress to aid with completion of the test. Alternatively, a towel or fabric may be placed betwixt the cutaneous body parts in those patients who experience the typical reaction resulting from an electrical arc between 2 separate cutaneous tattoos. This is likely an underreported consequence that claim mention in the sports medicine literature given the frequent occurrence of cosmetic tattoos in athletes requiring magnetic resonance imaging to diagnose a musculoskeletal injury. As in the present patient, no permanent sequelae have been noted in the literature. Therefore, patients who develop this reaction should be reassured that the reaction is just temporary.

Traditional and corrective tattoos have been performed for thousands of years both in the United States and effectually the world. The Food and Drug Administration considers the inks used in intradermal tattoos, including permanent makeup, to exist cosmetics, and it considers the pigments used in the inks to be color additives requiring premarket approval under the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Deed.10 The administration, however, has not exercised its authorisation over tattoo inks or pigments because of other public health priorities and a previous lack of evidence of safe concerns. The actual do of tattooing is regulated by local jurisdictions.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a frequently used imaging modality for the assay of soft tissue injuries and is generally considered a safe process. Nearly 70% of American football players presenting to the 2010 National Football League National Invitational Campsite (ie, NFL Scouting Combine) reported that they previously underwent MRI for a variety of musculoskeletal injuries. Unfortunately, there is confusion in regard to the safety of an individual with a tattoo who must undergo this imaging modality, because of the presence of ferrous compounds nowadays in the tattoo ink. Considering that MRI uses magnetic free energy to generate its images, the potential exists for an electromagnetic reaction to occur in the cutaneous expanse containing a tattoo. There have been documented case reports of tattoos causing non but imaging artifacts but as well minor cutaneous reactions.iii,xi,12

We present the case of a patient with an firsthand and sustained cutaneous reaction at the site of lower extremity tattoos that occurred during MRI. This appears to be an emerging outcome given the expanding frequency of tattoos seen in apprentice, as well equally professional, athletes. The patient was informed that the case would be submitted for publication, and he consented to the submission.

Example Report

A 24-year-erstwhile white male professional American football player in otherwise good general health, continuing at 185.4 cm and weighing 108.4 kg, presented with discomfort in the right proximal hamstring. The patient was an exterior linebacker who sustained a grade I proximal hamstring strain 2 months previously for which he underwent MRI without any complications. He reaggravated this injury after a hyperextension forcefulness to the right lower extremity.

Concrete examination revealed normal neurologic and vascular findings in the lower extremity. His gait was antalgic, with the tendency to limit right knee flexion during the swing phase. He had tenderness to palpation over the proximal origin of the hamstrings without any appreciable defect. He demonstrated pain with resisted knee flexion at xxx°. The popliteal angle was 45° on the affected side, compared with 10° on the normal, contralateral limb. He had no other areas of tenderness and full, nontender range of motion of the right hip. No dermatologic abnormalities or ecchymosis were noted; notwithstanding, black-colored cosmetic tattoos were noted over the suprapatellar region of both knees (Figure ane). Upon further inspection and questioning, information technology was revealed that he had multiple tattoos in various locations over his body that were obtained at different times throughout his life. Tattoos covering the posterior upper arms were obtained in 2004 (left) and 2005 (right). The tattoos over the suprapatellar regions of both knees were obtained in 2008. His last tattoo, over the right flank, was obtained in 2009. All of his tattoos were drawn past professional tattoo artists.

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A, clinical prototype of the patient's bilateral suprapatellar tattoos, which resulted in a localized pare burn during magnetic resonance imaging. B, shut-up image of left knee further demonstrating the nature of the tattoos.

Given the recurrent nature of the injury, the patient was referred for repeat MRI of the pelvis and thigh. He underwent preprocedural medical evaluation and preparation according to the facility's standard protocol. He was positioned supine in the 1.5-T MRI system feet first. MRI of the pelvis was performed using a torso-phased assortment gyre, with coronal images (big field of view, short repetition time, brusk repeat time, and inversion recovery) besides as transverse sequences (curt repetition time, short echo fourth dimension, and fast spin echo, and inversion recovery). Approximately 5 minutes after initiation of the written report, the patient began to feel a sudden called-for pain over the suprapatellar regions of both knees in the area of his tattoos. This sensation was localized to the knees and not experienced in the areas of the other tattoos. The patient notified the technician immediately, and the examination was interrupted so that his knees could be inspected by the radiologist. A wet towel was placed over and between both knees, and the study was completed. The awareness continued; however, it was present at a lower level that was tolerable. After completion of the study, the patient noted mild swelling and erythema surrounding the tattoos over both knees. This superficial reaction resolved inside 12 hours without any bear witness of permanent sequelae. Of note, the patient underwent iv previous MRIs without any symptoms.


The start written report of an MRI-induced reaction to a patient's skin containing a tattoo was described by Kredstein et al in 1997.3 The patient in that study experienced sudden burning pain in the area of an abdominal tattoo, only in the presence of a static magnetic field upon archway into the MRI suite. She ultimately underwent excision of the tattooed skin with master closure of the site to permit completion of the MRI. The authors further confirmed a ferromagnetic holding of the tattoo paint by documenting migration of the ellipsed peel toward a standard horseshoe magnet. They further studied the ferromagnetic properties of mutual tattoo pigments and showed that iron oxide–based pigments (well-nigh commonly blackness and chocolate-brown) were displaced past a magnetic field, whereas carbon-, titanium-, and copper-based pigments were unaffected. Kanal and Shellocktwo responded to this report by recommending that physicians consider placing an ice pack or a cold shrink on the tattoo before magnetic resonance examination and to exit it in place until completion. They also recommended a pressure dressing to forbid any tissue distortion. Of grade, these conservative measures should be tried before any invasive intervention, such as resection of the tattoo-containing skin.

Post-obit the initial report described in a higher place, 2 other cases of cutaneous burns sustained by MRI were described in 2000.11,12 Ane patient had a large tattoo (20 × 10 cm) of a dragon with "bright colors and several loops of the tail and neck." It has been proposed that tattoos containing electrically conductive material that are applied to the dermis in a loop design are those nigh at risk for a cutaneous reaction. These item tattoos have the potential to induce an electric current and thus burn the pare following the radiofrequency pulse of the MRI procedure.3 Possibly the combination of the size, ferromagnetic pigment, and loops of the tattoo caused the first-caste burn noted in this reported patient. The second patient sustained a second-caste fire in the right deltoid, in the region of a tattoo consisting of 2 jet-blackness thunderbolts encircling a Chinese symbol.12 Interestingly, the skin reaction occurred merely over and surrounding the thunderbolts while sparing the central symbol. The supplier of the tattoo ink was contacted, and it was discovered that the dark tattoo ink contained high concentrations of iron oxide, which has been shown to exist highly ferromagnetic.3

In 2002, Tope and Shellock9 performed a survey of individuals with tattoos in an effort to determine the incidence of complications and adverse events associated with MRI in the presence of a cosmetic tattoo. They identified 135 patients from 1032 surveys who underwent MRI later on having permanent cosmetic tattoos practical. Two (one.five%) reported adverse events, which consisted of a "tingling" and "burning" awareness that resolved upon study completion. Both women had blue-black pigment colors for periorbital tattoos and had undergone MRI of the cervical spine. Five (vi%) inside this population had previously been denied MRI because of their cosmetic tattoos. Every bit a issue of the findings and the small number of example reports published, the authors recommended that patients with tattoos be granted permission to undergo MRI with close observation.

Thermal injuries during MRI procedures have been described, mainly associated with monitoring systems including sensors, cables, or other strange objects placed on the patient's peel.viii These injuries are idea to ascend from currents induced within the conductive objects past the MRI coils, creating estrus and eventually burns. The demonstration of grossly detectable ferromagnetic characteristics of the tattoos and cosmetics has been described in various journals.1,iv,6,thirteen These cases have been manifested primarily as image baloney in the area of involvement due to a nearby tattoo. MRI involves the use of a strong magnetic field to obtain images of structures within the torso. The metallic compounds institute in tattoo pigments, especially iron oxide, distort that field. These compounds can theoretically create an electric current that increases the local skin temperature, enough to crusade a cutaneous fire. Simple loops of conductive material have been shown to consequence in the induction of a large and potentially hazardous voltage in the imaging system.five It is highly conceivable that the loop-shaped tattoos in the patient carried a level of voltage significant plenty to cause a burn down. Alternatively, an arc may have been created from ane knee joint to the other given the symmetrical nature of the 2 tattoos and the lack of whatsoever cutaneous reaction in the patient's other tattoos. Self-resonance of such a loop may add profoundly to hazards by increasing the constructive coupling to the radio frequency transmitter. We contacted the professional tattoo artist who applied the player's tattoo and, subsequently, the tattoo ink distributor to decide the chemical limerick of the black ink that was used. The tattoo ink supplier is based in Japan and could not be contacted, nor were nosotros able to obtain the material safety information canvas or a listing of the chemic components.

In consideration of the previous literature pertaining to MRI of patients with cutaneous tattoos, Shellock7 recommended the following patient management guidelines:

—The screening form used for patients should include a question to identify the presence of permanent cosmetics or decorative tattoos.

—Before undergoing an MR procedure, the patient should be asked if he or she had a permanent coloring technique (ie, tattooing) applied to any office of the trunk. This includes cosmetic applications such equally eyeliner, lip-liner, lip coloring, too as decorative designs.

—The patient should exist informed of the risks associated with the site of the tattoo.

—The patient should be advised to immediately inform the MRI technologist regarding any unusual sensation felt at the site of the tattoo in association with the MR procedure.

—The patient should be closely monitored using visual and auditory ways throughout the operation of the MR organisation to ensure safety.

—As a precautionary measure, a cold compress (eg, wet washcloth) may be applied to the tattoo site during the MR procedure.

In summary, the patient with a corrective tattoo should be permitted to undergo MRI despite the rare possibility of a cutaneous reaction manifested most unremarkably as a low-grade burn. It is, nevertheless, important to identify tattoos that are "at chance," such as those with blackness paint or whatever other pigments containing iron oxide, as well every bit those with a pattern that displays loops, large circular objects, or multiple next points. These patients may exist treated prophylactically or symptomatically with a cold compress to assist with completion of the examination. Alternatively, a towel or cloth may exist placed between the cutaneous body parts in those patients who experience the typical reaction resulting from an electrical arc between 2 divide cutaneous tattoos.

We present the instance of a National Football League football role player who experienced burning pain in the areas of his cosmetic tattoos, which was not responsive to the placement of interpositional material between each genu that had the tattoos. This is likely an underreported event that merits mention in the sports medicine literature given the frequent occurrence of corrective tattoos in athletes requiring MRI to diagnose a musculoskeletal injury. No permanent sequelae accept been noted. Therefore, patients who develop this reaction should be reassured that the reaction is only temporary.


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Articles from Sports Wellness are provided here courtesy of SAGE Publications


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