By Larissa Faw

Corporate dress code policies have swung to the extreme in recent years. Companies either maintain no guidelines at all or plant such rigid policies that they well-nigh appear to be elaborate pranks. American Apparel'south infamous corporate policy, for case, forbids shiny lip-gloss, bangs, and notes that "blow-drying hair excessively could cause oestrus harm." Similarly, fiscal bank UBS dictates women "may wear no more than seven jewels" and "scarves are compulsory, and must be tied with 'authorized knots.'"

Then there's the consequence of tattoos and piercings. For the past few decades, it'southward likely that coffeehouse baristas and graphic designers would exist adorned with tattoos or piercings, just now, it's merely as likely that the kindergarten teacher, bank manager, or existent estate amanuensis is sporting ink or a nose band. Well-nigh half of 26-40-yr-olds (40%) and 36% of 18-25-yr-olds have tattoos, and 22% of 26-40-twelvemonth-olds and 30% of 18-25-year-olds have at to the lowest degree one trunk piercing, according to the Pew Research Centre.

There are differences in opinions of men versus women having tattoos. Men are allowed to be a trivial rebellious and punk rock (both men and women take some admiration for a "bad boy"), where as, women, not and then much. While societal norms are shifting, it's happening slowly. Women tin can be wild in individual but should still exist ladylike in public, and visible tattoos make that incommunicable in some people'due south eyes.

Despite the widespread prevalence of workers with these adornments, there'due south no consensus among employers on how to address them. "I remember information technology depends on the location of the tattoo and how easily information technology can be covered up. Girls with cervix tattoos can just wear their hair down," says Ellan Tong of media agency 26 Dot Two.

Nearly corporations and small businesses accept no formal policies towards tattoos or piercings. Among those with guidelines: Geico Insurance, U.S. Postal Service, Starwood Hotels and Denny'southward won't hire those with visible tattoos. Allstate Insurance, Banking company of America, and the advertisement bureau Wieden-Kennedy have no reservations nigh hiring those with tattoos or piercings.

Withal most Hour managers as well concede that all things beingness equal, they will rent the more clean-cut employee. In fact, piercings (37%) are the top physical aspect that may limit an employee'due south career potential, according to, followed by bad breath (34%) and visible tattoos (31%).

For those — especially women — entering the workforce, any thought that their careers may exist hindered by a butterfly tattoo seems laughable. Today's young professionals view these enhancements as an accessory or extension of their personalities. "How many really great potential employees are these companies losing out on only because they don't project the prototype that these companies want?" asks BlogHer'due south Elisa Camahort Page.

At the same time, immature employees besides realize that in today's precarious job market, they don't want to requite an employer any reason to reject them, As 1 HR manager says, "Yous won't get fired for having a visible tattoo, but information technology likely ways yous won't get hired."

Larissa Faw is a journalist who regularly covers women and teen issues. She likewise has authored several reports on social media and was one of the first journalists to interview the Facebook founders, back when the site had only 22,000 members.